Writing READMEs

Writing READMEs

A README is a single file (typically .txt, or .md) that introduces the reader to the project repository and source code.

Like user guides, a README informs the reader what a project is for and how to use it. That said, the target audience for READMEs is more specific: developers (both on your project’s team as well as outside), and potentially other end users who are comfortable with code. READMEs can also contain additional information that doesn’t necessarily belong in a user guide, such as acknowledgements, licensing, etc.


Help the reader identify the project

Help the reader evaluate the project

Provide a description that focuses on the why:

With that said, you might also include (after addressing the above!):

When relevant, indicate under what terms the project may be used. Name and link to the license or other appropriate document.

Help the reader use the project

Help the reader engage with the project

It might also be a good idea to include a quick roadmap or list ideas for future enhancements or releases.

Final Notes


These guidelines are adapted from Daniel D. Beck’s README Checklist.