Grammar and Mechanics

Adhering to certain rules of grammar and mechanics helps us keep our writing clear and consistent. This section will lay out our house style, which applies to all of our content unless otherwise noted in this guide. (We cover a lot of ground in this section—the search feature will help if you’re looking for something in particular.)


Write for all readers. Some people will read every word you write. Others will just skim. Help everyone read better by grouping related ideas together and using descriptive headers and subheaders.

Focus your message. Create a hierarchy of information. Lead with the main point or the most important content, in sentences, paragraphs, sections, and pages.

Be concise. Use short words and sentences. Avoid unnecessary modifiers.

Be specific. Avoid vague language. Cut the fluff.

Be consistent. Stick to the copy patterns and style points outlined in this guide.


Abbreviations and acronyms

If there’s a chance your reader won’t recognize an abbreviation or acronym, spell it out the first time you mention it. Then use the short version for all other references. If the abbreviation isn’t clearly related to the full version, specify in parentheses.

If the abbreviation or acronym is well known, like API or HTML, use it instead (and don’t worry about spelling it out).

Active voice

Use active voice. Avoid passive voice.

In active voice, the subject of the sentence does the action. In passive voice, the subject of the sentence has the action done to it.

Words like “was” and “by” may indicate that you’re writing in passive voice. Scan for these words and rework sentences where they appear.

One exception is when you want to specifically emphasize the action over the subject. In some cases, this is fine.


We use a few different forms of capitalization. Title case capitalizes the first letter of every word except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions. Sentence case capitalizes the first letter of the first word.

When writing out an email address or website URL, use all lowercase.

Don’t capitalize random words in the middle of sentences. Here are some words that we never capitalize in a sentence. For more, see the Word List.


They’re great! They give your writing an informal, friendly tone. In most cases, use them as you see fit. Avoid them if you’re writing content that will be translated for an international audience.


Emoji are a fun way to add humor and visual interest to your writing, but use them infrequently and deliberately.


Spell out a number when it begins a sentence. Otherwise, use the numeral. This includes ordinals.

Sometimes it feels weird to use the numeral. If it’s an expression that typically uses spelled-out numbers, leave them that way.

Numbers over 3 digits get commas:

Write out big numbers in full. Abbreviate them if there are space restraints, as in a tweet or a chart: 1k, 150k.


Generally, spell out the day of the week and the month. Abbreviate only if space is an issue in the app.

Decimals and fractions

Spell out fractions.

Use decimal points when a number can’t be easily written out as a fraction, like 1.375 or 47.2.


Use the % symbol instead of spelling out “percent.”

Ranges and spans

Use a hyphen (-) to indicate a range or span of numbers.


When writing about US currency, use the dollar sign before the amount. Include a decimal and number of cents if more than 0.

When writing about other currencies, follow the same symbol-amount format:

Telephone numbers

Use dashes without spaces between numbers. Use a country code if your reader is in another country.


Use the degree symbol and the capital F abbreviation for Fahrenheit.


Use numerals and am or pm, with a space in between. Don’t use minutes for on-the-hour time.

Use a hyphen between times to indicate a time period.

Specify time zones when writing about an event or something else people would need to schedule.

Abbreviate time zones within the continental United States as follows:

When referring to international time zones, spell them out: Nepal Standard Time, Australian Eastern Time. If a time zone does not have a set name, use its Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset.

Abbreviate decades when referring to those within the past 100 years.

When referring to decades more than 100 years ago, be more specific:



The apostrophe’s most common use is making a word possessive. If the word already ends in an s and it’s singular, you also add an ‘s. If the word ends in an s and is plural, just add an apostrophe.

Apostrophes can also be used to denote that you’ve dropped some letters from a word, usually for humor or emphasis. This is fine, but do it sparingly.


Use a colon (rather than an ellipsis, em dash, or comma) to offset a list.

You can also use a colon to join 2 related phrases. If a complete sentence follows the colon, capitalize the 1st word.


When writing a list, use the serial comma (also known as the Oxford comma).

Otherwise, use common sense. If you’re unsure, read the sentence out loud. Where you find yourself taking a breath, use a comma.

Dashes and hyphens

Use a hyphen (-) without spaces on either side to link words into single phrase, or to indicate a span or range.

Use an em dash (—) without spaces on either side to offset an aside.

Use a true em dash, not hyphens (- or –).


Ellipses (…) can be used to indicate that you’re trailing off before the end of a thought. Use them sparingly. Don’t use them for emphasis or drama, and don’t use them in titles or headers.

Ellipses, in brackets, can also be used to show that you’re omitting words in a quote.


Periods go inside quotation marks. They go outside parentheses when the parenthetical is part of a larger sentence, and inside parentheses when the parenthetical stands alone.

Leave a single space between sentences.

Question marks

Question marks go inside quotation marks if they’re part of the quote. Like periods, they go outside parentheses when the parenthetical is part of a larger sentence, and inside parentheses when the parenthetical stands alone.

Exclamation points

Use exclamation points sparingly, and never more than one at a time. They’re like high-fives: A well-timed one is great, but too many can be annoying.

Exclamation points go inside quotation marks. Like periods and question marks, they go outside parentheses when the parenthetical is part of a larger sentence, and inside parentheses when the parenthetical stands alone.

Never use exclamation points in failure messages or alerts. When in doubt, avoid!

Quotation marks

Use quotes to refer to words and letters, titles of short works (like articles and poems), and direct quotations.

Periods and commas go within quotation marks. Question marks within quotes follow logic—if the question mark is part of the quotation, it goes within. If you’re asking a question that ends with a quote, it goes outside the quote.

Use single quotation marks for quotes within quotes.


Go easy on semicolons. They usually support long, complicated sentences that could easily be simplified. Try an em dash (—) instead, or simply start a new sentence.


Don’t use ampersands unless one is part of a company or brand name.

People, places, and things

File extensions

When referring generally to a file extension type, use all uppercase without a period. Add a lowercase s to make plural.

When referring to a specific file, the filename should be lowercase:


If your subject’s gender is unknown or irrelevant, use “they,” “them,” and “their” as a singular pronoun. Use “he/him/his” and “she/her/her” pronouns as appropriate. Don’t use “one” as a pronoun.


When quoting someone in a blog post or other publication, use the present tense.

Names and titles

The first time you mention a person in writing, refer to them by their first and last names. On all other mentions, refer to them by their first name.

Capitalize the names of departments and teams (but not the word “team” or “department”).

Capitalize individual job titles when referencing to a specific role. Don’t capitalize when referring to the role in general terms.

Don’t refer to someone as a “ninja,” “rockstar,” or “wizard” unless they literally are one.

States, cities, and countries

Spell out all city and state names. Don’t abbreviate city names.

Per AP Style, all cities should be accompanied by their state, with the exception of: Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Honolulu, Houston, Indianapolis, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New Orleans, New York, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington.

On first mention, write out United States. On subsequent mentions, US is fine. The same rule applies to any other country or federation with a common abbreviation (European Union, EU; United Kingdom, UK).

URLs and websites

Capitalize the names of websites and web publications. Don’t italicize.

Avoid spelling out URLs, but when you need to, leave off the http://www.

Writing about Crunchy Data

Our company’s legal entity name is “Crunchy Data Solutions, Inc.” Our trade name is “Crunchy Data.” Use “Crunchy Data Solutions, Inc.” only when writing legal documents or contracts. Otherwise, use “Crunchy Data.” “Crunchy” may be used in less informal content (e.g. blog posts), and only after having specified “Crunchy Data” once.

Always capitalize the first “C” and the “D” in Crunchy Data.

Refer to Crunchy Data as “we,” not “it.”

Capitalize branded terms, like Crunchy Certified.

Writing about other companies

Honor companies’ own names for themselves and their products. Go by what’s used on their official website.

Refer to a company or product as “it” (not “they”).

Slang and jargon

Write in plain English. If you need to use a technical term, briefly define it so everyone can understand.

Text formatting

Use italics to indicate the title of a long work (like a book, movie, or album) or to emphasize a word.

Don’t use underline formatting, and don’t use any combination of italic, bold, caps, and underline.

Left-align text, never center or right-aligned.

Leave one space between sentences, never 2.

Write positively

Use positive language rather than negative language. One way to detect negative language is to look for words like “can’t,” “don’t,” etc.